Child Protection

It is no secret that the Communist/Globalist powers of today want to steal our children's minds, bodies and souls. From the elite/government pedophile industry to the Communist Indoctrination Centres (CIC aka public schools) our children and our families are under attack. We strongly recommend that Christian families pull their children from the CIC and begin homeschooling their children. We also recommend that they take the following measures to protect their children from perversion, violence and kidnapping.

Christian Homeschooling

Homeschool Bible Curriculum

More and more, parents are opting to homeschool their children today. The public, and sometimes even private school experience has been totally unacceptable, or less than desirable. After all, our children's lives and future is at stake - and the stakes are high. Many parents believe homeschooling may be the only chance they get to make a lasting impact for their children. Although homeschooling is demanding, the rewards for the entire family are worth it.

Parental Organizations

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